New Custom Website From GoLive HQ
I’m celebrating today!
Why? Because my website finally got an overhaul for the first time since 2015…
I've had a grand total of four different websites designed since being in business for myself, and this one marks the fifth.
Each time I've gone through the design process, it has almost always taken months of painstaking work...
But this time was different.
I hired the team at Go Live HQ and they designed me a whole new custom website in one week flat.
It's scary to put your entire brand into someone else's hands and hope they can capture your vision in such a short space of time.
But trust them I did.
And it reminded me that, as much as I believe we need to normalize the bumps in the road that are inevitable when we're pursuing our dreams—and the length of time that it often takes to achieve them—sometimes we need to loosen our grip enough to leave room for the question, "What if this was EASY?"
What do you think of the new site?
Before we entered into my Design Week, it struck me that I didn't just want my website to represent my business TODAY, but also my business tomorrow—despite the future feeling so shaky and uncertain these days.
Pema Chödrön writes, "The root of suffering is resisting the certainty that no matter what the circumstances, uncertainty is all we truly have."
When I made a big pivot in my business by opening the doors to the Movement Makers Mastermind and creating a safe space where women business owners could share their challenges and find support a few years back, I often found myself describing that period as me "wading through the unknown", because I was learning to be present with uncertainty rather than resistant to it.
As we rapidly approach election day in the U.S. on November 3rd, all of us are being called to wade through the unknown.
Not only is it entirely possible that election day will end up being more like election week, but it's entirely possible that there may be no peaceful transfer of power—even after all votes are counted.
To say that these are uncertain times is an understatement. But I hope you know, Nikki, that we need your voice (and your vote) now more than ever before.
Here's hoping for easier days to come,