My Virtual Book Launch Party… and Some thoughts on self-doubt
My Virtual Book Launch
Party was a resounding success—thanks so much to all of you who were able to join me live.
In case you missed it, here's a link to the livestream recording.
We talked a lot about limiting beliefs on the call, and I shared a recent, intrusive voice that has been popping up in my head every time I promote the book. That voice keeps asking:
"Who do you think you ARE?"
I mention that, Nikki, because it's possible that—as you've dared to become more visible in how you're promoting your business or yourself at work, or as you've begun setting better boundaries at home or in your relationships—you might have asked yourself the same question.
"Who do you think you ARE?"
But here's what I'm learning...
Whenever we show up more powerfully, it's HIGHLY likely that we'll meet with internal resistance and worry that we're being too visible, too vocal, or just "too much."
And that, my friend, is when you know for sure that you're on the right track.
Because the world needs more of us—especially womxn and other, underestimated folx—to be audacious. To start before we think we're ready. To choose life outside our comfort zones, even when it terrifies us. To give ourselves permission to blaze our own trails, even when we're scared of what other people might say. Especially then.
It's the work of owning our inner power, and it's the work (and the practice) of a lifetime.
If you're in agreement and need a nudge in the right direction, I wrote my new book, "A Power of Your Own" to remind you that, in a world in which so many of us are taught we don’t belong, declaring, "I am in this world for a reason" is an act of resistance.
Who do you think YOU are, Nikki?
Because I hope you know you're wildly capable, incredibly brave, and more audacious than anyone I know—and I SO dig that you're in my corner.
Sending so much love,